Quinoa Salad with Artichokes and Parsley Recipe (2024)

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Quinoa Salad with Artichokes and Parsley Recipe (1)

Loki Robles

Rating: 5 stars


Great recipe! i'll try this. Denver Concrete Company

Quinoa Salad with Artichokes and Parsley Recipe (2)

Ernest Richard Paran

Rating: 5 stars


Excellent idea, I love the flexibility, and salads i can make and eat out of the fridge for a few days.

To make it less quimoa-heavy, I add 1 cucumber (halved and sliced), an extra pepper, some feta cheese, and I substitute half of the parsley for chopped mint.

Once, I tried tossing the chickpeas in oil and spices and toasting them in a pan. It was OK but not really worth the effort – nice when the salad was fresh, but it didn’t offer too much difference in texture after it had been refrigerated. Denver Arborist

Quinoa Salad with Artichokes and Parsley Recipe (3)


Actually, I think the lemon is what sets it apart from the others. I love the tart lemony flavor and I didn't find it bland at all.

Quinoa Salad with Artichokes and Parsley Recipe (4)


Rating: 2 stars


Not a hit at our house.

Quinoa Salad with Artichokes and Parsley Recipe (5)


Rating: 1 stars


Don't know why this got such high reviews - it was very bland and had too much lemon. May be better if you add sauteed onion and less lemon.

Quinoa Salad with Artichokes and Parsley Recipe (6)


Rating: 5 stars


I haven't made this yet but was hoping to use fresh artichoke. How would I prep the artichoke to use in this recipe?

Quinoa Salad with Artichokes and Parsley Recipe (7)


recipe was good but the serving size is really small, maybe this should be listed under condiments.

Quinoa Salad with Artichokes and Parsley Recipe (8)


Rating: 5 stars


I'm new to quinoa and wanted to try a recipe with items I already had in my kitchen (minus the lemon peel). I decided this was going to be it. The only thing I changed was I added some red bell pepper and some chicken but only a little since I'm new to this and didn't know how it would effect the taste. It looked nice with the little pepper pieces in it & most importantly my family loved it!!! (I'm feeding it to my 1yr old now) Plus I liked my additions so much I added much more later like a half a cup of red bell pepper and half a breast of chicken. Yeah!!! Liked it so much, I tried another 3 different versions. Since I ran out of the white quinoa, I tried the red. It was good but liked the white better. The original recipe with the additions I noted is my favorite version.

Quinoa Salad with Artichokes and Parsley Recipe (9)


Rating: 5 stars


This is the best quinoa recipe I've come across! I used marinated artichoke hearts instead of frozen and that added such a great flavor. Will definitely make this again and again!

Quinoa Salad with Artichokes and Parsley Recipe (10)


Rating: 5 stars


Made this a few weeks ago, my family has been asking for it ever since!! I added a little more lemon juice, and it isn't very pretty, but it's so good! Making it again tonight!!!

Quinoa Salad with Artichokes and Parsley Recipe (11)


Rating: 5 stars


We love this dish. I add red paper flakes and a little more lemon juice.

Quinoa Salad with Artichokes and Parsley Recipe (12)


Rating: 5 stars


This recipe is great. I love this dish. It's really quick and easy and taste delicious. It's not the prettiest dish, but great nonetheless.

Quinoa Salad with Artichokes and Parsley Recipe (13)


Rating: 4 stars


Well my bad. I had it in my mind that I wanted to cook up a bunch of quinoa to have in the fridge to add to this and that this week but I had also saved this recipe awhile ago. Needless to say I not only cooked up my quinoa in advance and thawed out the artichokes but I also headed out to the kitchen about 9 PM to make this. THEREFORE all I did was mix all the ingredients together, although I omitted the chicken broth entirely. I, too, used a bit of black quinoa in with the regular; scallions in place of the spring onions, dried thyme. After mixing I added enough olive oil to my liking. I made it tonight for tomorrow's lunch and I think it will be great!! I will follow the recipe next time :)

Quinoa Salad with Artichokes and Parsley Recipe (14)


Rating: 4 stars


I really liked this! The flavours were good. I had black quinoa on hand, and that really added something in terms of colour and vibrancy.

Quinoa Salad with Artichokes and Parsley Recipe (15)


Rating: 2 stars


The salad tasted ok but it was the most unattractive dish I have ever made. It was a very unappetizing color. I added tomato to brighten it up. The picture here shows a more coarse lemon zest so maybe that would help, too.

Quinoa Salad with Artichokes and Parsley Recipe (2024)


How much is a serving of quinoa salad? ›

A one-cup portion (about 200 grams) has 296 calories, 12 grams of fat and 900 mg of sodium.

What nutrients are in quinoa salad? ›

It can provide a good source of plant-based protein, fiber, antioxidants, manganese, iron, folate, and magnesium. Quinoa has a subtle nutty flavor. A person can add it to a variety of dishes, such as salads, or use it in place of rice.

Is 1 cup of quinoa too much? ›

You can eat one-two cups of cooked quinoa in a day. You should avoid eating it if you experience stomachache, itchiness or vomiting after consuming it. A study by Harvard Public School of Health has reported that eating a bowl of quinoa daily is healthy and without any side effects.

Is 1 cup of quinoa enough for 2 people? ›

Quinoa Serving Size

The recommended portion per person is ¼ cup of uncooked quinoa or ¾ cup of cooked quinoa if served as a side dish. If you need to make 2 cups of cooked quinoa for a recipe, cook ⅔ cup of dry quinoa with 1 cup of water.

Is it okay to eat quinoa salad everyday? ›

A study by the Harvard Public School of Health stated that eating a bowl of quinoa daily may reduce the chances of early death risk from cancer, heart disease, respiratory ailments, diabetes, and other chronic diseases by 17%.

What to add to quinoa to make it taste better? ›

I love dehydrated onions with some veggies stock in mine . I also add some Adobo powder and some cayenne powder for heat. I just put them right in the water with everything else . Also a helpful tip is cooking your quinoa in a rice cooker with a bit of parboiled rice since they have pretty much the same cook time .

Is quinoa a protein or carb? ›

Quinoa is considered a carbohydrate because it contains many carbs per serving. Although it contains some protein, the macronutrient distribution is closer to what you find in other grains and starches.

What is a good serving size of quinoa? ›

A 1-cup (185-gram) serving of cooked quinoa contains 5.18 grams of fiber. That's about 18% of the current 28-gram DV ( 4 ). Quinoa contains more fiber than several other popular grains, like brown rice.

How much quinoa should you eat in one serving? ›

Studies have reported that consumption of one serving of quinoa (about 40 g) meets an important part of daily recommendations (RDA) for essential nutrients and health-improving compounds.

What is a portion of quinoa per person? ›

How to cook quinoa perfectly every time. You'll need about 50g of quinoa per person (make sure to rinse it first) and chicken or vegetable stock. We can't emphasise using stock enough. It really makes a difference to the flavour, yet is subtle enough not to distract from your final dish.

What is a portion of quinoa? ›

Portion size varies from 50g to 100g, depending on how hungry you are or what you are serving it with. If it's for the base of a salad or as a side to a curry, we'd suggest 60-80g of quinoa is enough. Lower heat, cover with a lid and simmer for 12 mins. Drain quinoa and use a fork to fluff up before serving.

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Author: Prof. An Powlowski

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Name: Prof. An Powlowski

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