Fresh Baked Cookies & Custom Cookie Cakes at Mrs. Fields® Northridge Mall in Northridge, CA (2024)

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    9301 Tampa Ave

    Ste 185

    Northridge,CA 91324

    ' ); return; } $('.pickup-date-title').show(); $('.pickup-date-cnt .has-error').removeClass( 'has-error' ); $('.pickup-times-list').html( data.select_html ); $('.pickup-times-list [name=pickup_time]').attr( 'disabled', false ); if( initial_pickup_time != '' ) { $('.pickup-times-list [name=pickup_time]').val( initial_pickup_time ); } if( data.day_of_week_short ) { $('.selected-pickup-day-of-week').html( data.day_of_week_short ); } // Existing pickup? if( data.existing_pickup && ) { $('.existing-pickup-cart-date-time').html( data.existing_pickup.friendly ); $('input[name=existing_pickup_date]').val( ); $('input[name=existing_pickup_time]').val( data.existing_pickup.time ); // If this is a future date, put it into the future date field. if( set_custom_date && $("input[type=radio][name=pickup_date][value='" + + "']").length <= 0 ) { $('input[name=custom_pickup_date]').val( data.existing_pickup.standard ); } // Select the time. if( data.pickup_times.length > 0 && data.pickup_times.includes( data.existing_pickup.time ) ) { $('select[name=pickup_time]').val( data.existing_pickup.time ); } else { $('select[name=pickup_time] option:nth-child(1)').prop( 'selected', true ); } } },'json'); } function chooseAnotherDate() { $('.choose-another-date').slideUp(); $('.other-date-option').slideDown(); } function isDelivery() { var delivery_type = $("form[name=delivery-type] input[name='pickup-or-delivery']:checked").val(); return ( ( delivery_type == 'delivery' ) ? true : false ); } function isPickup() { return ( !isDelivery() ? true : false ); } function togglePickupOrDeliveryOptions() { var delivery_type = $("form[name=delivery-type] input[name='pickup-or-delivery']:checked").val(); $('.pickup-delivery-option').removeClass( 'active' ); if( delivery_type == 'delivery' ) { $('.delivery-address').addClass( 'active' ); } else { $('.pickup-address').addClass( 'active' ); } return true; } function setDeliveryMethodAsPickup() { var url = '/store/' + my_store.store_id + '/set-order-as-pickup/'; $.post( url, $('form[name=set-as-order-pickup]').serialize(), function(data) { if( data.token ) { $('form[name=set-as-order-pickup]').find( 'input[name=token]' ).val( data.token ); } if( !data.success ) { if( data.msg ) { $('.set-as-pickup-error').html( data.msg ).slideDown(); } return; } swapPickupTextForDeliveryText( 'pickup' ); continueWithOrder(); },'json'); return false; } function getDeliveryOrPickupConfig( callback ) { var url = '/store/' + my_store.store_id + '/get-my-pickup-and-delivery-config/'; $.get( url, function(data) { if( !data.success ) { if( data.msg ) { $('#general-store-error .general-error-message').html( data.msg ); $('#general-store-error').modal({}); } return; } if( !data.delivery_method && data.store_delivery_is_active ) { $('#pickup-or-delivery-options').modal({}); return; } callback(); },'json'); } function tryAnotherDeliveryAddress() { $('.delivery-address .delivery-address-not-deliverable').slideUp(); $('.delivery-address .delivery-address-fields').slideDown(); } function verifyAddressDeliverability() { // Require all values. var form = $('form[name=delivery-address]'); $(form).find( '.has-error' ).removeClass( 'has-error' ); var addDeliveryError = function( fld, msg ) { if( fld ) { $('[data-fld=' + fld + ']').addClass( 'has-error' ); } if( msg ) { $('.delivery-error').html( msg ).slideDown(); } removeSubmitButtonSpinners(); return false; } // Require/Validate form fields. if( $(form).find('[name=delivery_address]').val() == '' ) { return addDeliveryError( 'delivery_address', 'Delivery address is required.' ); } if( $(form).find('[name=delivery_city]').val() == '' ) { return addDeliveryError( 'delivery_city', 'Delivery city is required.' ); } if( $(form).find('[name=delivery_state]').val() == '' ) { return addDeliveryError( 'delivery_state', 'Delivery state is required.' ); } if( $(form).find('[name=delivery_zip]').val() == '' || !( new String( $(form).find('[name=delivery_zip]').val() ) ).toString().match( /^\d{5}$/ ) ) { return addDeliveryError( 'delivery_zip', 'Delivery zip is required.' ); } if( $(form).find('[name=delivery_cell]').val() == '' ) { return addDeliveryError( 'delivery_cell', 'A mobile phone number is required.' ); } if( $(form).find('[name=delivery_cell]').val() != '' && ( new String( $(form).find('[name=delivery_cell]').val() ) ).toString().replace( /\D/g, '' ).length != 10 ) { return addDeliveryError( 'delivery_cell', 'Invalid mobile phone number.' ); } var url = '/store/' + my_store.store_id + '/verify-deliverability/'; $.post( url, $('form[name=delivery-address]').serialize(), function(data) { if( data.token ) { $('form[name=delivery-address] input[name=token]').val( data.token ); } if( !data.success ) { removeSubmitButtonSpinners(); $('.delivery-error').html( data.msg ).slideDown(); return; } if( !data.is_address_deliverable ) { $('.delivery-address .delivery-address-not-deliverable .not-deliverable').html( '' + ( data.deliverability_message ? ' (' + data.deliverability_message + ')' : '' ) ); if( data.delivery_address ) { $('.delivery-address .delivery-address-not-deliverable .not-deliverable-address').html( data.delivery_address.replace( /\n/g, "
    " ) ); } else { } $('.delivery-address .delivery-address-fields').slideUp(); $('.delivery-address .delivery-address-not-deliverable').slideDown(); removeSubmitButtonSpinners(); return; } swapPickupTextForDeliveryText( 'delivery' ); continueWithOrder(); },'json'); return false; } function swapPickupTextForDeliveryText( delivery_method ) { if( !delivery_method || delivery_method == 'pickup' ) { if( typeof( original_pickup_text_data.modal_title ) != 'undefined' ) { $('.store-pickup-date-modal .modal-title.hidden-sm').html( original_pickup_text_data.modal_title ); $('.store-pickup-date-modal .modal-title.visible-sm').html( original_pickup_text_data.small_modal_title ); $('.store-pickup-date-modal .pickup-date-title .to-pickup-your-order').html( original_pickup_text_data.to_pickup_your_order ); $('.store-pickup-date-modal .pickup-date-title.visible-sm').html( original_pickup_text_data.to_pickup_your_order_small ); } return; } if( delivery_method == 'delivery' ) { // Backup the data. if( !original_pickup_text_data.modal_title ) { original_pickup_text_data.modal_title = $('.store-pickup-date-modal .modal-title.hidden-sm').html(); } if( !original_pickup_text_data.small_modal_title ) { original_pickup_text_data.small_modal_title = $('.store-pickup-date-modal .modal-title.visible-sm').html(); } if( !original_pickup_text_data.to_pickup_your_order ) { original_pickup_text_data.to_pickup_your_order = $('.store-pickup-date-modal .pickup-date-title .to-pickup-your-order').html(); } if( !original_pickup_text_data.to_pickup_your_order_small ) { original_pickup_text_data.to_pickup_your_order_small = $('.store-pickup-date-modal .pickup-date-title.visible-sm').html(); } if( !original_pickup_text_data.submit_pickup_btn ) { original_pickup_text_data.submit_pickup_btn = $('.store-pickup-date-modal .modal-footer .btn-pickup-date-time').html(); } $('.store-pickup-date-modal .modal-title.hidden-sm').html( 'When would you like your order delivered?' ); $('.store-pickup-date-modal .modal-title.visible-sm').html( 'Delivery Date' ); $('.store-pickup-date-modal .pickup-date-title .to-pickup-your-order').html( 'to deliver your order' ); $('.store-pickup-date-modal .pickup-date-title.visible-sm').html( 'Select Delivery Time' ); $('.store-pickup-date-modal .modal-footer .btn-pickup-date-time').html( 'Delivery Date/Time' ); } } function startUpDeliveryCellOperations() { if( $('[name=cell_phone_promotions_optin]').length ) { $('[name=delivery_cell]').on( 'keyup', function() { // Only do this once. if( $('[name=cell_phone_promotions_optin]').attr( 'default-opt-in' ) ) { return; } $('[name=cell_phone_promotions_optin]').attr( 'default-opt-in', '1' ) $('[name=cell_phone_promotions_optin]').prop( 'checked', true ) }); return true; } return false; } function addUpsell( upsell_key ) { if( submitting_upsell ) { return false; } submitting_upsell = true; var upsell = $('.upsell[data-key=' + upsell_key + ']'); post_data = { source_product_idx: 379, upsell_key: upsell_key, order_id: '1713515103.902500967' } $.post( '/store/northridgemall/add-upsell/', post_data, function(response_data) { submitting_upsell = false; removeSubmitButtonSpinners(); if( !response_data.success ) { return; } $(upsell).find('.btn-upsell-add').addClass( 'hidden' ); $(upsell).find('.btn-upsell-added').removeClass( 'hidden' ); $('.line_count').html( response_data.order.line_count ); $('.total-line-qty').html( response_data.order.line_count ); $('.subtotal').html( response_data.order.subtotal ); }); } function removeUpsell( upsell_key ) { var upsell = $('.upsell[data-key=' + upsell_key + ']'); if( submitting_upsell ) { return false; } submitting_upsell = true; var upsell = $('.upsell[data-key=' + upsell_key + ']'); post_data = { source_product_idx: 379, upsell_key: upsell_key, order_id: '1713515103.902500967' } $.post( '/store/northridgemall/remove-upsell/', post_data, function(response_data) { submitting_upsell = false; removeSubmitButtonSpinners(); if( !response_data.success ) { return; } $(upsell).find('.btn-upsell-add').removeClass( 'hidden' ); $(upsell).find('.btn-upsell-added').addClass( 'hidden' ); $('.line_count').html( response_data.order.line_count ); $('.total-line-qty').html( response_data.order.line_count ); $('.subtotal').html( response_data.order.subtotal ); }); }

    Fresh Baked Cookies & Custom Cookie Cakes at Mrs. Fields® Northridge Mall in Northridge, CA (2024)
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    Author: Kelle Weber

    Last Updated:

    Views: 5856

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    Reviews: 80% of readers found this page helpful

    Author information

    Name: Kelle Weber

    Birthday: 2000-08-05

    Address: 6796 Juan Square, Markfort, MN 58988

    Phone: +8215934114615

    Job: Hospitality Director

    Hobby: tabletop games, Foreign language learning, Leather crafting, Horseback riding, Swimming, Knapping, Handball

    Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.