A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms (The Tales of Dunk and E… (2024)


2,459 reviews3,642 followers

March 10, 2024

(A-) 82% | Very Good
Notes: It's about obstinate idealism, social mobility, and how knightly ambition means stumbling into other people's drama.

    300-399-pp author-american format-illustrated


259 reviews874 followers

July 15, 2021

A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms by George R.R. Martin
A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms (The Tales of Dunk and E… (3)
As I have doubt that ever will I be able to read Martin's conclusion of the 'A Song of Ice and Fire' series, I thought it'll be the best to appease my desire for The Winds of Winter by reading a book which is set about 100 years before the 'Game of Thrones' began. The story is not as bold as the main series. Rather it's a fun and enjoyable read. Impressive writing. Very delightful artwork in the book helped me to grasp the story very easily. You'll much appreciate the book if you read the main series.
A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms (The Tales of Dunk and E… (4)

Very entertaining.


742 reviews53.2k followers

February 3, 2019

A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms is a great prequel compilation with superb production value.

I’m currently in the middle of collecting all the books within A Song of Ice and Fire in hardcover format. Honestly speaking, unlike The World of Ice and Fire and Fire and Blood, I didn’t have a lot of interest in reading this book; I treated it as a completionist read or a diversion while I wait for the release for The Winds of Winter. This is also why I'm happy that this book ended up being such a pleasant surprise for me.

Picture: One of the interior illustrations by Gary Gianni.

A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms (The Tales of Dunk and E… (6)

A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms is a compilation of the three prequel novellas in The Tales of Dunk and Egg series by George R. R. Martin. It’s a prequel to A Song of Ice and Fire and the story starts about a century before the events in A Game of Thrones. Ser Duncan the Tall (Dunk) and Egg were simply fascinating to read. Starting from their encounter in The Hedge Knight, each novella continues to develop their characterizations and relationship more. Unlike the main series, the tone of this much more light-hearted. The knights in Westeros are often times asshole, coward, and despicable. This has been proven countless times throughout the main series. Dunk is a different kind of knight; honorable, courageous, naïve, and awkward. The friendship between Dunk and Egg was subtle and I found the unlikely harmony in their interaction to be funny, heartwarming, and highly engaging.

“A great battle is a terrible thing," the old knight said, "but in the midst of blood and carnage, there is sometimes also beauty, beauty that could break your heart.”

I don’t have really have a lot of things to say regarding this collection because of the short length. This book is 360 pages long and there are more than 160 gorgeous illustrations done by Gary Gianni that filled the pages of this book; they made the book feel shorter but at the same time they totally enhanced my reading experience to be much more atmospheric. I can’t help it, I’m a sucker for a novel with interior illustrations; in my opinion this book has a terrific production value.

Picture: One of the interior illustrations by Gary Gianni.

A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms (The Tales of Dunk and E… (7)

I enjoyed reading all the three novellas. My rating for thenovellas: 4.5/5 stars for The Hedge Knight, 3.5/5 stars for The Sworn Sword, and 4/5 stars for The Mystery Knight. Overall, I think fans of the main series will have a wonderful time with this book. Martin once again shows that even in a novella format, he’s still a writer with immense talent at characterizations and world-building. A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms offers a glimpse of the rich history behind Westeros through the eyes of the finely written duo: Dunk and Egg. I can’t believe I’m saying this—especially knowing that the main series is in limbo status—but I’m really looking forward to the continuation of the duo's story and how it all eventually connects to the main series.

You can order the book from: Book Depository (Free shipping)

You can find this and the rest of my reviews at Novel Notions

Sean Barrs

1,122 reviews46.8k followers

February 22, 2016

Now I’ve of course read these before, but I simply had to get this edition for the illustrations. They did wonders and capturing the story; they almost brought new life to it. So, it was money well spent and, as an added bonus, I had an excuse to read these short stories again!

A memorable friendship

Dunc and Egg make a wonderful pair. Ser Duncan is not only a knight in name, but also one in deed. This is something increasingly rare in the seven kingdoms. There are few true knights and even fewer when the events of A Song of Ice and Fire take place. He is really part of a dying breed in Westeros. So, he is honourable and strong; he is just and kind: he is everything a knight should be. However, he is not at all wise; he’s "Dunk the lunk, thick as a castle wall." I suppose not everybody can have everything. We all have our weaknesses, and this is where the young prince Aegon Targaryen comes in to balance the friendship.

"A hedge knight must hold tight to his pride. Without it, he was no more than a sellsword"

A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms (The Tales of Dunk and E… (9)

Egg is still a boy, though he has a fully developed mind that even the Maesters shall envy. He tempers Ser Duncan’s wrath, guiding him to choose the best course of action. Indeed he has the mind that Duncan lacks. However, for all his intelligence, he still has a whole world to see and understand; he still needs to develop his wisdom. By being Duncan’s squire, he gets to see honour and decency; he begins to understand how people work, and how best to defeat them; he learns that it can be achieved through words as well as deeds.

The two embark on some interesting adventures. Their first (The Hedge Knight ) is by far my favourite. It depicts the pair’s first meeting, and they discover how important them coming together was. Dunc changes the fate of the Seven Kingdoms. The two only met by chance. Their actions lead to the altercation of who is to be the next King. So, it’s all rather far reaching stuff. The second story ( The Sworn Sword) didn’t quite work for me and felt a little flat in all. The third ( The Mystery Knight) made up for it, though, with its character defining moments.

"Kings rise and fall, Dunk thought, and cows and smallfolk go about their business."

A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms (The Tales of Dunk and E… (10)

I did have a lot of fun reading these through again, and I think that they really are required reading for fans of the series. In addition to this, the illustration did help a lot to capture the essence of the story. This isn’t the first time I’ve said this in a review now, but I do hope that this book marks the last thing that is (re)published before the release of A Winds of Winter. It’s starting to get a little ridiculous now, and the afterward didn’t help things: ol’ Georgy suggests that there are more tales from the pair to come.

I hope he means after A Song of Ice and Fire! But, that’s beside the point, this was still fun to read.

A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms (The Tales of Dunk and E… (11)

    4-star-reads children-of-all-ages fantasy

James Tivendale

330 reviews1,379 followers

July 8, 2024

A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms is a collection of three novellas that are set a generation or two before the events of A Song and Ice and Fire. In the third person perspective, we follow Dunk or as he tailors himself - Ser Duncan the Tall. The first narrative is named The Hedge Knight and we are presented to our protagonist as he is burying his former mentor for whom he used to squire. It's a touching start, and an interesting introduction to Dunk. He is planning to go to a tourney in Ashford and at a crossroads inn he meets Egg, who he assumes is a stable boy. This boy decides to follow Dunk without permission, wanting to squire for him. Eventually, it transpires that he is of royal blood and would eventually become Aegon V, protector of the realm, etc... He is the brother of Aemon Targaryen who becomes maester of the Night's Watch. Atthis time Bloodraven is the Hand of the King. This is the gentleman who becomes the three-eyed-raven.

"Dunk the lunk, thick as a castle wall."

At 17 years old, almost 7-foot-tall, strong and with weight and reach in his favour, Dunk is a formidable Hedge Knight. Essentially, he is a Knight who travels throughout the 7 Kingdoms doing jobs he deems true and honourable for coin. Dunk is as true and decent as any Knight you would have read about in A Song of Ice and Fire and there is a fan theory that Brienne is a descendant of his and I can totally believe that. We are presented the tale from his mind and he talks himself down over explaining his stupidity. I never really saw him as being dim. He can't read, he has never kissed a girl and he doesn't really have people skills but some of the supporting cast and villains who can and have done these come across as more vile and horrid when reflected against Dunk's honesty, loyalty and general goodheartedness.

Egg is a pretty amazing character. Even though he has Targaryen purple eyes he shaves his head so his gold/silver hair doesn't make it completely obvious regarding his lineage. And he has a silly straw hat! He is described as being as wise as a maester but still only 10. He knows the history of the majority of the nation's houses and can name who someone is just by seeing the paintwork on their shields. He is also quick of tongue sometimes to his detriment, especially when these 3 novellas often discuss the Targaryan Blackfyre rebellion and hint at seeds that are still spread throughout the land. I read this after I read GRRM's Fire and Blood and the knowledge I gained regarding the Targaryan's there did enhance my experience although it isn't truly necessary to read in that order. I think this could be thoroughly enjoyed by someone who has not yet read the main series. It's not all pretty and it does feature numerous deaths, violence and backstabbing but from Dunk's perspective, these stories present a lot more hope and goodness than we are accustomed to from a typical Westeros tale.

When I read this I had had one of the worst weeks of my life. If I believed in guardian angels I would think that mine made me pick up this book at this time instead of the other 1000 books on my to-be-read list. This story was exactly what I needed. Interesting, funny, about friendship with elements of trust, mystery and excitement. I've always looked down upon reviewers who rate a book 6/5 as I think it makes no sense. After this scenario and how this book has helped me recover then this is the closest I will ever get to giving that rating. It's the best novel I've read this year and I can't wait to read about more Dunk and Egg.


Charlotte May

772 reviews1,241 followers

February 22, 2018

“Dunk the lunk, thick as a castle wall.”

I thoroughly enjoyed these three novellas. It was great to return to Westeros, one hundred years before the events of ASoIaF. We follow Dunk, a hedge knight risen up by an old knight with no heirs. He gets himself a squire named Egg, who unbeknownst to him is Prince Aegon - one of the Targaryen Princes.

“Oak and iron guard me well, or else I’m dead and doomed to hell.”

We see Dunk get himself into all kinds of scrapes, including a trial of seven as well as numerous other fights. He is a great hero to follow and I loved recognising the names of houses from A Song of Ice and Fire.

But what really stood out in this book were the illustrations. They were amazing and really brought the stories and characters to life.

“A head’s a head. They all look the same after a few days on a spike.”

With much of the gruesomeness and swearing included in A Song of Ice and Fire; this book helped in my suffering wait for the Winds of Winter. Highly recommend.

The summers have been shorter since the last dragon died, and the winters longer and crueler.”

    epic-fantasy favourites short-stories

♥︎ Heather ⚔

643 reviews1,240 followers

May 20, 2024

I mean, obviously this is 5 stars. RTC.

• ───────────────── •
“The snail may leave a trail of slime behind him, but a little slime will do a man no harm, while if you dance with dragons, you must expect to burn.”

“A great battle is a terrible thing," the old knight said, "but in the midst of blood and carnage, there is sometimes also beauty, beauty that could break your heart.”

    fantasy high-epic-fantasy


1,872 reviews994 followers

April 15, 2023

Update April 2023: In which HBO learns no lessons and commissions yet another unfinished GRRM series for a show in which he'll be a writer and producer, and this long-suffering fan lets out a pained sigh.

This isn't a new series of novellas but rather a collection of the three existing books featuring Ser Duncan the Tall, a hugely clumsy and hugely lovable seventeen-year-old hedge knight...

A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms (The Tales of Dunk and E… (16)

... and his sharp-tongued little squire, nicknamed Egg for obvious reasons (look at his name, and then look at his bald head):

A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms (The Tales of Dunk and E… (17)

The stories themselves are old favourites in the ASOIAF fandom, no need to describe or review them, and besides we all know everyone bought this edition because of the art by Gary Gianni. It's known!

Mr Gianni, who also did the 2014 A Song of Ice and Fire calendar with a dozen choice scenes from the books, here has produced a grand total of 160 illustrations, all in black and white inking, some quite simple and minimalist and others so detailed and intricate, in a beautiful style that calls to memory the old-school chivalry graphic novel "Prince Valiant" by Hal Foster, which is surely not a coincidence because Gary Gianni undertook the continuation of the franchise after Foster's death, though coloured and not inked as the story used to be in the beginning. And Martin is a fan as well. I am very pleased with this resemblance, because I am a fan of "Prince Valiant" myself, and the tone of that story is quite fitting for Duncan, one of the few true knights that Martin has created and miraculously not killed (. . . yet).

The best illustrations are, unsurprisingly, for the first story, entitled "The Hedge Knight," which is also the one that has the higher number of drawings. It's also my favourite of the novellas, and it was a pleasure to see all the iconic scenes illustrated. Speaking of iconic scenes, Gianni didn't overlook even the naked huntress dream! Fans will remember which one I mean. That book, the second novella "The Sworn Sword" is the one that has the more intimate illustrations, and the third one, "The Mystery Knight," has the next best illustrations after the first novella, in my opinion.

Some of the artist's interpretations were disappointing, which was to be expected because there are some scenes that were different for me in my head, such as the scenes with Dunk and the Fiddler. And other small details were a surprise, such as Ser Duncan's appearance, in particular I found his nose was strangely button-like, that might be a matter of style in truth (and Prince Valiant had the same kind of nose, I seem to recall) and it gives him an air of innocent youth at odds with his big-boned 7-foot tall body. I had a bigger issue with the depiction of Tanselle Too-Tall, who in Gianni's interpretation doesn't seem tall at all, and that was grating because . . . there's a reason for why she has the moniker Too-Tall and her height is plot-relevant.

This is a book for fantasy fans and chivalry-epic lovers to have, both for the stories and for the great art.["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>

    fantasy have-reviewed


979 reviews29.4k followers

July 25, 2024

“As the champions trotted into position, Ashford Meadow grew almost still. Then a horn sounded, and stillness turned to tumult in half a heartbeat. Ten pairs of gilded spurs drove into the flanks of ten great warhorses, a thousand voices began to scream and shout, forty ironshod hooves pounded and tore the grass, ten lances dipped and steadied, and the field seemed almost to shake, and champions and challengers came together in a rending crash of wood and steel. In an instant, the riders were beyond each other, wheeling about for another pass. Lord Tully reeled in the saddle but managed to keep his seat. When the commons realized that all ten of the lances had broken, a great roar of approval went up. It was a splendid omen for the success of the tourney, and a testament to the skill of the competitors. Squires handed fresh lances to the jousters to replace the broken ones they cast aside, and once more the spurs dug deep…”
-George R.R. Martin, A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms

I am weak. And in my weakness, I finally broke down and purchased George R.R. Martin’s A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms. It sat on my shelf for a while, mocking me and my lack of self-control. I meant to continue ignoring it. But then the final episodes of HBO’s Game of Thrones came and went, and the withdrawal set in. It set in bad. I had to crack the cover; I had to stop the shakes.

I didn't want to, you see? Really I didn't.

I don’t like encouraging bad behavior. I did not want to be a part – however infinitesimally small – of goading Martin into further digressions. Like millions of others, I just want him to finish A Song of Ice & Fire, a series that I love and that has – in a very real way – broadened my view of the power of books. Before Martin came along, I never saw myself as the kind of guy who liked dragon stories. Martin made me care. He made me care very, very much.

So I read it. And it underwhelmed me. I will leave it up to you whether that was a preordained result.


A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms is a collection of three previously-published novellas concerning Ser Duncan the Tall, a seven-foot knight known as Dunk, and his squire Egg, who is more than he appears. Those novellas are The Hedge Knight, The Sworn Sword, and The Mystery Knight. All three take place roughly a century before the events of A Game of Thrones.

Though all three mini-tales have been published elsewhere, A Knight of the Seven Kingdom repackages them into chronological order, so that they read rather seamlessly as a single work. It has also been marvelously illustrated by Gary Gianni, with pen-and-ink drawings every few pages. Depending on your taste, this might add some real value.

At 355 pages, A Knight of the Seven Kingdom is a very short novel by Martin’s standards. Frankly, everything about this is below Martin’s standards.


The three stories are of varying quality. Hewing to generalities, The Hedge Knight is sort of an introduction to Dunk, giving us a bit of his background and character as he attends a tourney at Ashford Meadow. Maybe your mileage will vary, but as I read it, I thought to myself another tourney? After reading about the Tourney of the Hand, and hearing so much about the Great Tourney at Harrenhal, this simply didn't make an impression. This setting has been done, and done much better, elsewhere in the series.

The second novella, The Sworn Sword, is dull. It took me awhile to push through it. Dunk and Egg are in Dorne, and get involved in a minor squabble over water between two houses. If riparian rights are your thing, this story will be right in your wheelhouse. I found nothing inherently interesting about it. There wasn’t any good action, any bad sex, or any funny dialogue. Of course, if you like gleaning bits and pieces of mythology – here, there is a lot of talk of the Blackfyre Rebellion – this might be your cup of Dornish red. I’m looking for more. World building is great, as long as it’s in service of a larger storytelling purpose. Given my limits on consuming information, though, I’m not out to collect trivia on a made-up place.

The final story – The Mystery Knight – is pretty good. It is the one story that broadens the scope, and hints at real stakes. Unsurprisingly, as in many of A Song of Ice & Fire’s best moments, it is set during a wedding. At that, I will say no more.


I’m in the minority when it comes to A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms. There is no doubt I opened these pages with more than a touch of bitterness at the long – now likely fruitless – wait for the sixth book of A Song of Ice & Fire. Leaving this aside, though, there are still some genuine issues with Dunk and Egg that are worth noting.

To begin, Dunk is an uninspired central character. He is tall, he is strong, and as drawn by Gary Gianni, he looks like Fabio. He is also dumb. Dunk the Lunk is the nickname that Dunk has bestowed upon himself. That’s a problem when we’re dealing with the protagonist, with whom we spend almost every page. He is a dullard, he is slow, he does not say intelligent things, he does not have clear thoughts. He is a plodding bore. That might be fine for a secondary character. But he’s the main attraction, without any opportunities to cut away to other viewpoints. It’s not even worth comparing the complexities and arcs taken by characters like Jaime, Tyrion, Sansa, or Arya to Ser Duncan the Tall, since they are not on the same planet in terms of depth, dimension, and charisma.


Next, A Knight of the Seven Kingdom is beset by lazy writing. Martin is a genius, with certain unimpeachable literary skills. A Storm of Swords is one of the best books I’ve ever read. It’s a genre-transcending classic. Bury it in the sand and wait a thousand years, and I’m sure the sentient robots who discover it will anoint it an epic of the ages. That said, when we talk about Martin as a great writer, we are not necessarily saying he is a prose stylist. He is an excellent plotter. He creates rich and layered characters. He knows how to execute an unforgettable set-piece, whether that is an unforeseen twist, an unexpected death, or a cinematic battle. Yet he relies on a lot of writerly crutches, and falls back on patterns, motifs, and phrases. You tend not to focus on these during A Song of Ice & Fire because the expansiveness of his canvas dilutes these tics. Here, in such a short work, they really jumped out. For instance, every other thing Dunk says to Egg is a variation of “I’m going to clout your ear.” Like, get another threat, dude.


Finally, the joy of A Song of Ice & Fire is that it is huge. It sprawls. It is like an oil slick, rapidly expanding. There are turns upon twists that are threaded into switchbacks. There are so many details. Details piled atop details. Details all the way down. And the stakes! The stakes are so high. The fate of the world, and all that.

A Song of Ice & Fire is indulgent and immersive. It wraps its arms around you in a bear hug and refuses to let you go until you acknowledge that you are living in this world, and that you can no longer tell if it is fiction. How can it be fake when its history goes back so far? You don’t get that feeling with the novellas. The novellas are trifling things. How can upstream water rights or a middling tourney compare to White Walkers? That’s a rhetorical question. They can’t.


At this point, we’ve been waiting so long for The Winds of Winter that it has almost become passe to complain about it. All the argument about what Martin “owes” his readers have been talked to death. Ultimately, he owes us nothing, and we owe him nothing, save the purchase price on his next project.

Furthermore, it’s hard to begrudge Martin his success. If he wants to watch the Jets, blog on LiveJournal, and go to conventions, more power to him. He’s earned a fortune that’s his to spend.

It is a shame, though. A Song of Ice & Fire is Martin’s legacy. It’s the first line on his obituary. It’ll be chiseled on his tombstone. When he is gone, it will be the thing that endures. As Tywin Lannister would tell him, it’s an accomplishment that will last a thousand years, or at least a century or two. If he completes it, that is. If he does not – it will disappear. No one remembers a story without an ending.

A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms is an amuse-bouche, something to chew on while the main course is finished. I found it hard to enjoy, though, when the completion of that main course is so uncertain, and as the actuarial tables start to indicate that it will never be served.

    fantasy fiction

Will M.

327 reviews653 followers

November 7, 2015

I'm not fond of novellas or short stories. I always end up hating them because of the length. It's like someone telling you a summarized version of a detailed story. This one on the other hand is one of the exceptions to the hatred. It's not a shock though that Martin can make me enjoy something that I typically hate.

This book contains 3 novellas about the adventures of Dunk and Egg. A hedge knight and his squire seeking higher status. Martin is known for his tendency to add in a bunch of plot twists, and the 3 novellas proved no different. The ending was great, because it left me wanting for more and wanting to know who did what. I liked how the unexpected turn of events didn't seem like it was written just for the sake of having a plot twist.

The characters were beyond amazing. Dunk and Egg were perfectly written, and developed quite nicely in the end. I can't express how well Martin creates characters. It was most evident in his A Song of Ice and Fire series when I read the first 5 books, but now he proved that he can write amazing new characters. What I enjoyed most about Dunk was that he was a loser. He's not someone who was given everything. He had to work his way to get to the top, and the hardships didn't stop him. I don't hate powerful characters (Like the Starks, for example), but it's refreshing to read about someone who is not of royalty. The journey of a normal boy into a hedge knight was truly entertaining. We all know that being a hedge knight doesn't even result to earning the respect of people. I know that Martin has a few more stories about Dunk and Egg, so hopefully in the future I'd read about Dunk being successful in his journey. Egg was also commendable, but I can't explain how without spoiling. It's better if you find out about the mystery of Egg on your own.

The setting is great, but that's a giveaway already if you've read the ASOIAF series. Westeros is truly unforgiving to the weak. It's great to read more about the fictional world that I've loved since A Game of Thrones. This is a minor detour into the main series, in which the sixth book is still unpublished.

Do I really need to talk about how great the writing is?

4.5/5 stars. If you're unfamiliar with Martin, then you'd better read ASOIAF first. That's just my opinion though, but it did help me enjoy these novellas more.

    2015 books-i-own fantasy


1,931 reviews17k followers

February 3, 2019

Very entertaining.

George R. R. Martin provides some backstory and depth to his wildly popular Song of Ice and Fire series with this collection of three novellas about Dunc and Egg: a hedge knight and his squire.

The events in the three related and sequential novellas take place a hundred years before A Game of Thrones and there is still a Targaryen on the iron throne and the memory of the last dragon is still alive in and old man’s memory.

First published all together in 2013, with some snazzy illustrations by Gary Gianni, Martin gives us a different glimpse into Westeros than what is provided in GOT as we follow these two on some adventures. A hedge knight is similar to a knight errant in our history, a traveling, non-landed swordsman who hires out his services and participates in jousting tournaments. The hedge knight, though a real knight, is of the lowest order and the term itself is somewhat derogatory.

Our hero, Dunc, naming himself Ser Duncan the Tall – for lack of a better title - was taken from the squalid environs of Fleas Bottom in King’s Landing by a traveling hedge knight and made his squire. Before the old knight dies on the road, he has taught Dunc not just the skills of a squire, but also about chivalry and how to conduct himself as a proper knight should. Dunc’s tutelage seems to have taken hold better than some of the privileged richer classes we meet in the stories. Dunc, maybe not the sharpest tool in the shed, is nonetheless honorable and a very likeable protagonist and for his part trains his squire Egg in the same way.

The beginning scene, where the old knight has died and Dunc is alone, reminded me of the similar scene in the 2001 Heath Ledger film A Knight’s Tale.

Not just for GOT fans, this is an enjoyable read for the fantasy crowd.

A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms (The Tales of Dunk and E… (21)


259 reviews155 followers

February 6, 2017

Upozorenje:čitanje ove knjige izaziva nostalgiju i čežnju za svetom Vesterosa, te čitanju iste pristupite na sopstvenu odgovornost.


Sastavni deo ovog prikaza je i House Targaryen family tree :)
A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms (The Tales of Dunk and E… (23)

    george-r-r-martin my-books read-in-2014

Kai Spellmeier

Author7 books14.7k followers

May 6, 2017

"Kings rise and fall, and cows and smallfolk go about their business."

I never really planned to read this until I discovered it at the library a few days ago and picked it up. I told myself why not read something short by GRRM for once.
This book is a collection of three novellas, set in the Seven Kingdoms, a century before A Game of Thrones, while the Targaryens are still the ruling House in Westeros.

Dunk, Ser Duncan the Tall, a hedge knight and his squire Egg, Aegon Targaryen (little brother of Aemon Targaryen, who we know from the Wall in ASOIAF) travel the Seven Kingdoms together. Dunk is a pretty plain character apart from his tallness. It's Egg who actually makes those novellas worth reading.

A tournament, a trial, weapons. Lords, lordlings and smallfolk. Dragons, Lions and Stags. Love and death and marriage. A fair maid and a lady. Conspiracy, treason and heads on spikes. Another tournament, another trial and more weapons. And lots of plot twists. It will never once get boring.

I can't really say anything about GRRMs writing. It may be smart and witty but never made me emotional. At times it get's repetitive and I could be spared the endless paragraphs about food and drinks and names that I will never remember and never be mentioned again.

I'm looking forward to reading more about Dunk and Egg, though I'd prefer to have The Winds of Winter to be honest.

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Melissa ♥ Dog/Wolf Lover ♥ Martin

3,596 reviews10.9k followers

October 20, 2015


A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms (The Tales of Dunk and E… (26)

I just love Dunk & Egg! I just finished reading the two graphic novels of The Hedge Knight and I had no idea this was the book form with a third story of the duo! I just put it on hold at the library because it's George R.R. Martin :) And a friend from GR told me after the fact what it was!

I know there has to be more to it then the graphic novels, but it seems like the book was the same. I loved the first two stories in this book, and the graphic novels. The third book is awesome! I really hope to see it in graphic novel soon.

This third one is called, The Mystery Knight. Dunk and Egg are just going along minding their own business when they meet some Knights on the road. They try to talk them into going to a royal wedding. They don't seem to be who they are and they don't seem trustworthy. Who is?

Dunk thinks.. well.. maybe he should go and try to win some money for him and Egg so they can be settled nicely for some time. This leads to a big crazy adventure that involves people that are not who they say they are, people getting killed or almost killed, eggs...dragon eggs :) ... more lies and a pretty good ending.

I had no idea how much I was going to fall in love with Dunk and Egg when I bought the first two graphic novels. Now I just want to read more and more. At the end of the book Mr. Martin says to look forward to more Dunk and Egg travels! Yay! Well, he said it better, but I digress.

I do want to add this book to my collection at some time and will eagerly await the graphic novel to the third story in this book and many more. Please... many more.

If you don't like Dunk and Egg, then there is something wrong with you.. so there. Dunk & Egg, sounds like Dunkin Donuts.. I digressed again! Anyhooo.....

I recommend to ALL George R.R. Martin fans, especially those that love the Game of Thrones as this is years before that time. Fin

A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms (The Tales of Dunk and E… (27)

    fantasy-all library-book


605 reviews534 followers

April 15, 2017

This is my Book Of the Month- September 2016, with GR group- Nothing But Reading Challenges- Category: Sci-Fi/Fantasy BOM

"The story offered here takes place about a hundred years prior to the events described in A Game of Thrones"
This was my major concern before picking this up as I have yet to read the Game Of Throne Series (I have watched all the seasons diligently) but still did not want any thing spoiling my enjoyment of reading this series. So you can absolutely pick this up and enjoy the mention of names of all the famous houses that we have come to adore and hate!

This is a collection of 3 short stories involving Ser Dunkard The Tall i.e. Dunk and Egg (who becomes Dunk's squire). One of the strong points of these stories are the extremely likable protagonists.
These stories are available as independent books as well but I would recommend reading these in sequence and together for the maximum enjoyment. This book also has sketches as you read along.

**Mild Spoilers Ahead**

The first story is The Hedge Knight where we are first introduced to Dunk and how he comes to meet Egg. Near to the end of the story the true identity of Egg is revealed

The concept of Hedge Knight was new to me and I was fascinated with the hierarchy between knights of royal blood, Knights sworn to a lord and hedge knights...

I absolutely adored Dunk in this story. He was very unsure and always had doubts regarding himself but this made me adore him even more somehow. Some of his innermologues which are repeated throughout the three stories are-
"Dunk the lunk, thought he could be a knight"
"Dunk the lunk, thick as a castle wall."

There are some very violent moments in this story that made me squirm but by the end of this story I was a True campaigner of Ser Dunkard The Tall.

A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms (The Tales of Dunk and E… (29)

The second story -The Sworn Sword takes us further into the journey of Dunk and Egg. In this story it is truly confirmed what a Gallant and Noble knight Dunk truly is- "Oak and iron, guard me well, or else I'm dead, and doomed to hell"
We come across the Red and Black fight, the effect on the lords and we are introduced to one of the very interesting characters known as the Red Widow.
A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms (The Tales of Dunk and E… (30)

The last story- The Mystery Knight is the one filled with most twists. There is a competition and a Dragon Egg to be won but that is not the main focus of this story. This is more filled with political intrigue than any of the other stories
A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms (The Tales of Dunk and E… (31)

Dunk and Egg are solid together - Lord co*ckshaw and the Fiddler had brought grooms to tend their horses, cooks to feed them, squires to clean their armor, guards to defend them. Dunk has Egg

There is also the dreaded Bloodraven who finally makes an appearance
"How many eyes does Lord Bloodraven have? the riddle went. A thousand eyes, and one"

I just wanted to read more about Dunk and Egg and hope there are more stories about them.

    group-reads paranormal-or-fantasy short-stories

Jason Koivu

Author7 books1,337 followers

February 10, 2017

This is just what I was looking for! Old timey, good-doer knights and squires doin' good in an old timey setting!

I had picked up a fantasy book a few weeks ago that I hoped would satiate my current reading desires, but alas no. So I turned to George R.R. Martin. He's always a good bet. I like his writing style and I'm familiar with the world he's built. Sure, there's such a small amount of fantasy in his work that, aside from mention of dragons in this particular book, it could almost be called historical fiction for its similarity to the York and Tudor War of the Roses back in the 15th century.

A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms is a collection of three lengthy short stories that follow the adventures of a hedge knight and his squire. Any fan of the Song of Fire & Ice series will recognize many of the names dropped herein even though these stories are set about a hundred years prior.

So what you get are some fun action/adventure tales with a helping of Seven Kingdoms history. It's a well-balanced combination. Seldom was I inundated with one or bored with the other.

The stakes are high enough to make you care surprisingly deeply about the two main characters by the end of the book. There's good, solid tension through out. And yet, the stakes aren't "Save the World or Bust!!!" high, which is a nice departure from the epic fantasy of the day.

In summary, this is a very enjoyable distraction that will entertain the dickens out of Martin's fans!

PS: See my videogram book review of this here book by following this here link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ez7U7...

    fantasy fiction

Raquel Estebaran

299 reviews242 followers

October 8, 2021

Tres relatos ambientados un siglo antes de los hechos de Canción de hielo y fuego.

Narran las aventuras de Dunk (Ser Duncan), un reciente caballero errante, y Egg, su escudero.

Son tres relatos con una trama sencilla, personajes con mucho encanto y muy entretenidos.

Dannii Elle

2,126 reviews1,720 followers

February 19, 2018

George R.R. Martin could write a shopping list and publish it and I would still probably give it five stars!

A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms is a collection of three stories set in Westeros, the same fictional lands as featured in A Song of Ice and Fire series, but set over one hundred years previously. This just exemplifies that no-one can world build like Martin can world build! The in-depth knowledge of the land and the familial and ancestral history of the multitude of characters portrayed is just staggering. This book felt like it had an almost political edge to it on times as it relayed the countless wars, feuds and alliances between the horde of great (and not so great) houses. If you have ever read any Martin before you know that he likes his characters! This book is no different.

House Targaryen sits on the throne but we don't view the world from some little lordling's perspective, but from that of a hedge knight. And an admittedly poor one at that. Dunk, or Ser Duncan the Tall, leads us through the world, and it is through his eyes and his experiences that we are introduced to names and places and people that form part of the ancient backstory for A Game of Thrones . That alone was enough to give it five stars, but it was the method used to portray this history that I most liked.

The style of narrative was different to what I expected: the reader is offered the limited perspective of only one character, we are distanced from the great houses and given the perspective from one with a lower social standing, and more is withheld from us, allowing us no further knowledge and understanding than what our protagonist can offer us.

I found myself liking these aspects. It had a different feel to it than that of its renowned predecessor, giving the book its own separate identity. And yet the same myths and tales still permeated the story. The same places are visited and great names spoken of. The same houses still rule and the same houses still serve. This book doesn't feel new; it feels like coming home.

    adult-books-read adventurous-acuity anthological-astuteness

333 reviews7,916 followers

September 20, 2023

My favourite part of the ASOIAF world is how well developed the history and world is, and I loved that A Knight of The Seven Kingdoms started to embellish some characters that are reference in the core series.
However, I'm not generally a short story person so while I loved the lore, the story itself wasn't my favourite.

Spencer Orey

593 reviews183 followers

December 22, 2020

It's been so long since I read the A Song of Ice and Fire books that I had forgotten what an incredible writer George RR Martin is.

These three novellas are fantastic. I loved each one. And you don't need to be familiar with the long series to enjoy them. The longer series overflows with point of view characters. Here, the writing stays tightly focused on hedge knight Dunk and his squire, and it's so great because of it.

My book even had lovely illustrations! I also tried out the audiobook and found the narrator to be great.

Just a phenomenal book all around, however you get to it. I'll be reading them again and again.


Велислав Върбанов

639 reviews84 followers

June 22, 2024

„Колко очи има Блъдрейвън?“

„Рицарят на Седемте кралства“ е страхотна и може би най-приключенската книга на Джордж Мартин! Действието в нея се развива в познатия ни Вестерос, но близо век преди епичните събития в „Песен за огън и лед“... Тя се състои от три много увлекателни разказа, които описват вълнуващите приключения на странстващ рицар и неговия млад скуайър! Основната разлика с останалите книги от фентъзи поредицата е, че тук имаме силно изявени главни герои, каквито са Дънк и Ег. Авторът чудесно развива тези два персонажа, като между тях се заражда истинско приятелство.

На Железния трон по това време стои Дерон II Добрия, и животът във Вестерос е сравнително спокоен. Обаче настъпва времето на бунтовете на Блекфир и започват да се случват доста опасни събития. Забележителна личност от тази епоха също е загадъчният лорд Блъдрейвън...

Мисля, че „Рицарят на седемте кралства“ е супер подходящо четиво, както за феновете на „Песен за огън и лед“, така и за читателите, които за пръв път ще се докоснат до творчеството на Мартин!

Ruben (BooksVlogs) Arauz

118 reviews61 followers

September 24, 2017

Final: 4.60

Es el primer libro de George que termino, si todavía me falta un poco de "El Mundo de Hielo y Fuego" pero se les digo, George escribe de maravillas😻👌, su manera de contar historias es increíble, ya me sentía como un pinche caballero weiiiiii!!!! Really, cada parte de la historia es simplemente enlazador, tengo que admitir que el ritmo no fue lo mejor, en algunas partes se tornó un poco lento, pero en general estuvo muy bien👌. Me prometo a mi mismo terminar la enciclopedia de Westeros la otra semana, mejor digo a fin de mes para ser más realistas XD😅😂🤣.



526 reviews407 followers

January 12, 2016

I initially considered holding the fifth star hostage until George R. R. Martin finished The Winds of Winter but I adored these stories so much I just couldn't do it.

These three novellas take place roughly one hundred years before A Game of Thrones. So all the characters we know and love (and love to hate) have yet to be born, the Targaryens still sit on the Iron Throne, and the small folk are exploited by the nobles (so that much isn't different). Instead of seeing Westeros through the eyes of the Haves (sworn knights, great lords, nobles), we get to see it through the Have-Nots, specifically those of a hedge knight, Ser Duncan the Tall. Unlike the sworn knights who serve a lord, hedge knights travel, seeking service where they can and more often sleeping under hedges than under a roof. Of course don't tell them that.

"A hedge knight is the truest kind of knight, Dunk," the old man had told him, a long long time ago. "Other knights serve the lords who keep them, or from whom they hold their lands, but we serve where we will, for men whose causes we believe in. Every knight swears to protect the weak and the innocent, but we keep the vow best I think."
I had actually, sort of, already read the first novella, Hedge Knight, in the form of the graphic novel. I liked the graphic novel and liked the novella even better. In fact all of the novellas stood very well on their own, not trying to do too much within their story while still doing a fantastic job of developing the relationship between Egg and Dunk. I really liked their relationship and how it grew over the course of the stories.

If there is one thing GRRM does well is develop and explain feudal ties and relationships (or maybe he just likes doodling cool house banners). This was very apparent in these stories as Martin does a deft job dropping political developments and themes into the narrative that is ostensibly about the travels of Dunk and Egg. I harbor a suspicion that the entire purpose of the Song of Ice and Fire series is to show how terrible monarchies and aristocracies are.

In this case Dunk and Egg are confronted on several occasions by the fall out from the Blackfyre Rebellion*. The nickel tour is this: The Blackfyre Rebellion was a civil war in Westeros over who should succeed to the Iron Throne (Some old dead king gave a sword to one son instead of another, that was the start of it. And now I'm standing here, and poor Roger's in his grave.). The realm was split, one side (the Blackfyres) lost and several members of that family fled Westeros, looming as a threat to the victorious side. As with all civil wars, one group ends up backing the wrong side and faces the consequences, most notably losing land, titles, holdings, respect of the victors, and being forced to provide hostages to the victor's side. But just because there was a winner doesn't mean the losers were content to just go back to the status quo ante. All that politics aside, even though the rebellion occurred fifteen years prior to the events of these novellas the repercussions still echo throughout the realm.

"Treason... is only a word. When two princes fight for a chair where only one may sit, great lords and common man alike must choose. and when the battle's done, the victors will be hailed as loyal men and true, whilst those who were defeated will be known forevermore as rebels and traitors."
So as Dunk and Egg (his squire) travel about they are confronted with these consequences: lords who backed the wrong (though not in their mind) side, conspirators to return the Blackfyres, political discontent with the current regime who many believe is being controlled by a sorcerer bastard offspring of the previous king.

There is a great balance of fights, character development, narrative progression, and political intrigue. I got a much better view on the lives of the small folk and lesser knights (not surprisingly: just as sucky as I previously assumed) as well as the challenges that the vast majority of Westeros must deal with, small folk and petty noble alike. Heck, one novella revolves around water rights between two nobles of a stream during a drought (and we also see one of the many repercussions of the Blackfyre Rebellion).

But the heart of these books is the relationship between Dunk (Ser Duncan the Tall) and Egg ().

"Can I have a sword to run them off with?"
"No. A knife's enough. And you had best be here when I come back, do you hear me? Rob me and run off, and I'll hunt you down, I swear I will. With dogs."
"You don't have any dogs."
"I'll get some, just for you."
OK, so they don't start off on the best of terms, but once they settle into the knight-squire relationship they develop respect and admiration for each other.
"Pour Ser Duncan a cup of sweet Dornish Red [Egg]. Try not to spill it on him, you've done him sufficient ill already."
"The boy won't spill, Your Grace. He's a good boy. A good squire. And he meant no harm to me, I know."
"One need not intend harm to do it."


"Well, some knights sing gallant songs to their ladies, or play them tunes upon a lute."
"I have no lute. And that night I drank too much in the Planky Town, you told me I sang like an ox in mud in a mud wallow."
"I had forgotten, ser."
"How could you forget?"
"You told me to forget, ser. You told me I'd get a clout in the ear the next time I mentioned it."


"Ser? That fat septon said my father sulks in Summerhall."
"Words are wind."
"My father doesn't sulk."
"Well, he might. You sulk."
"I do not. Ser. Do I?"
"Some. Not too often, though. Elsewise I'd clout you in the ear more than I do."
"You clouted me in the ear at the gate."
"That was half a clout at best. If I ever give you a whole clout, you'll know."

And while Dunk pretty consistently threatens to clout Egg, it rarely happens, it is more a playful type of threat. Dunk clearly treats Egg with all the respect due a squire without abusing his power over him. Egg is stronger in some matters and instead of resenting Egg for it, Dunk makes use of it. All in all a great relationship that I enjoyed to see blossom. Even though GRRM is way behind on Winds of Winter, I really hope we end up with more Dunk and Egg stories.

And now for some great passages:

Wisdom even in the real world:
A peasant's pride is a lordling's shame.
Kings rise and fall and cows and smallfolk go about their business
"Some rebel lord or robber knight, it was. Or maybe a common murderer. A head's a head. they all look the same after a few days on spike."

Maybe GRRM has moonlight as a p*rn writer: The sun rose hot and hard, implacable.

Egg, master fighting strategists: "Get him, ser," he heard Egg call. "Get him, get him, he's right there."

The only time anyone was glad an Ironborn was nearby: "Count yourself fortunate that I am ironborn. The priests of the Drowned God know how to drown a man and bring him back, and I have made a study of their beliefs and customs."

Even fleas have standards: "We won't have any [money] if we start sleeping in inns. You want to share a bed with some peddler and wake up with his fleas? Not me. I have my own fleas, and they are not fond of strangers. We'll sleep beneath the stars."

*If you want to learn more about the history of Westeros I cannot recommend The World of Ice and Fire enough. Great history and amazing pictures.

    fantasy novella reviewed


2,127 reviews174 followers

August 25, 2017

I have read the comic version of this but I ran across a particularly nice illustrated copy and bought it. I am glad I did. This is a very entertaining tale. It is slightly more light hearted in overall tone, but don't let good ol' Dunk and adorable Egg fool you-this is still the world of Game of Thrones. NOTHING is what it seems. There is violence and maiming a plenty.

One Hundred years before the events of the Game of Thrones timeline there was a hedge knight named Ser Duncan. Ser Duncan finds a young bald boy named Egg and makes him his squire. So begins their journey to make a name for themselves. Along the way they run into Lords, Princes and many other famous houses from the GOT story. Just 100 years before. That snot nosed boy being bounced on Lord Frey's lap? Mostly likely the old, dying Lord Frey of the GOT timeline. But you will recognize some of the famous names.

Broken into three short novellas it shows Ser Duncan the Tall and his adventures in a tournament held by Lord Ashford- this is really the origin story of Ser Duncan the Tall. You also find out about Egg.
The second story is a little after those events and it's a very good one. I enjoyed it because it shows the complexity of being a minor noble house in these times. The aspect of honor really is important in this story and it shows what kind of knight Ser Duncan is.
The Third story can really be called the Second Blackfyre Rebellion. If that means nothing to you then good-you'll learn all about the First one in this short story. You will also find out how Ser Duncan and Egg were able to foil a plot to overthrow the King.

All of the stories were written with the GRR Martin flare and are quite enjoyable. The artists Gary Gianni is to be lauded. I loved his artwork. I wish they could have been in color but the black and white illustration are great representations of the events and they are plentiful-I loved that! A great book for any GOT fan. A great book for someone who has no idea what GOT is-this might make you one.

    fantasy favorites


435 reviews470 followers

July 20, 2016

I love a great narrator for an audiobook, especially one that can not only do all the different voices, but act the parts. Harry Lloyd does a splendid job with these novellas, he acts so perfectly, giving weight to the simplest phrase. I was extremely impressed.

Having said that (I hear the collective groan), there's one problem I find with these incredible actor/narrators:

Sometimes they actually whisper when the scene calls for whispering.

I hate it. I have my audiobook going, I'm either in the car on my way to work or have the ear buds in doing the dishes. My hands are busy driving or soapy from cleaning. I don't have the ability nor patience to rewind (you can still say rewind right?) the recording back to listen to the part I just missed because the narrator whispered the line instead of stage-whispered the line so I could hear it with the same volume I had for normal talking.

It's a pet-peeve of mine and typically on find it happens with the best of narrators. Catch-22 I guess. (This review lost no stars for review author's pet-peeves)

Thanks for letting me get that out of my system. On to some substance.

A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms is the collection of Dunk and Egg novellas found in various anthologies (Legends, Legends II, and Warriors), all of which I already owned in print and the first of which I'd already read in print.

These novellas are the perfect way to get back to the Seven Kingdoms when you feel yourself missing them. They don't require a knowledge of the rest of the series, A Song of Ice and Fire, but it doesn't hurt to have that knowledge either. It has the same feel, if a bit lighter and more fun in a buddy-cop (buddy-knight?) sort of way.

The Hedge Knight is probably my favorite of the bunch. It's the introduction to the characters, has a great jousting tournament, and all kinds of surprises to keep you going.

The Sworn Sword is almost as good and deals with our heroes swearing themselves to a minor Lord (hence sworn sword of course). They have an issue with water law, which I found to be great having taken a water law course in law school and practiced some as well through an internship. Riparian rights people! If only it were so simple. It's not.

Finally, there's The Mystery Knight, which starts out as another simple jousting tournament, but turns everything on its head. The weakest of the bunch, but for George RR Martin, that still means it's better than most things.

In sum, Dunk and Egg stories are perfect when you're needing your Game of Thrones fix, even better if you don't want to leave completely depressed, and in a note at the end of this collection, George reveals there are plenty more adventures throughout the Seven Kingdoms and beyond. I can't wait!

4.5 out of 5 Stars (very highly recommended)

    2016 arc-review audio

Isa Cantos (Crónicas de una Merodeadora)

1,009 reviews42.2k followers

June 2, 2015

Definitivamente adoro la manera en que George R. R. Martin cuenta las historias porque sientes que estás allí, en medio de Vado Ceniza o cualquier lugar de Poniente, viviendo lo que está sucediendo.

Esta precuela... bueno, son más bien tres historias que siguen a dos personajes muy curiosos y bastante dispares: Dunk y Egg. Vaya nombres, ¿eh? Dunk es un caballero errante, con más actitud que habilidad, realmente; mientras que Egg es... no les digo quién es porque es un spoiler grande y es genial enterarse sobre la mitad de la primera historia de su verdadera identidad y quedar con cara de "¡Oh, por los dioses Nuevos y los Antiguos!".

Por casualidades del destino, Egg termina al servicio de Dunk -o Ser Duncan El Alto- como escudero y, a partir de ahí, van a viajar por todos los reinos buscando caballeros y señores a los cuales servir. Sin embargo, las aventuras de estos dos no son sencillas porque Dunk siempre mete la pata y termina enredado en los líos más increíbles de los siete reinos (?). Líos que, generalmente, surgen en justas y competencias afines, en las que Dunk, digámoslo sinceramente, apesta, jajaja.

Me fascinó que este libro me dejara conocer un poco más de la dinastía Targaryen porque, claro, en esa época seguían vivitos y coleando, aunque ya no hubiera dragones :(. El caso es que sí, hay un montón de Targaryens, rebeliones, pretendientes, príncipes locos, disputas familiares, justas, matrimonios, guerras y muerte.

Definitivamente tienen que leer este libro. No hace falta haber leído los cinco de Canción de Hielo y Fuego que ya están publicados, para nada. Pero, si ya los has leído y extrañas la narrativa de Martin, sus descripciones vívidas y la cantidad de muertos que hay en cada página(?), este libro es para ti.

Shivam Chaturvedi

45 reviews110 followers

August 5, 2018

This book is a collection of three stories involving two immensely likeable protagonists named Dunk and Egg. Delightfully illustrated in black and white, it follows their travels through the length and breadth of the Seven Kingdoms, about ninety years prior to the events in A Game of Thrones. Dunk, or Ser Duncan the Tall, is an ordinary run of the mill hedge knight who will one day be Lord Commander of the Kingsguard. Egg, or Aegon Targaryen, is the fourth son of the fourth son of Daeron II Targaryen, King of Westeros in 209 AC. Egg, as Aegon V, will himself one day be King and be known as Aegon the Unlikely for having been the lowest in the line of succession. Our heroes don't know it yet, ofcourse. These are their formative years, when a series of unlikely events will lead to a prince squiring for an ordinary hedge knight and how the two will shape, transform and help each other.

The three stories in themselves aren't overtly spectacular, but Martin's characteristic storytelling and the vivid feeling of a more chivalrous, medieval setting (since we usually associate Song of Ice and Fire with the present, so to speak) gives the tales their charming flavor. The fact that Ser Duncan is the POV character of these stories makes them all the more relatable for we are no longer seeing the world of Westeros from the eyes of great lords and ladies but from those of a commoner. The dreams and aspirations of a simpleton ring truer and contrast sharply with those eyeing the Iron Throne a hundred years later.

The shadow of the first Blackfyre Rebellion hangs low like a cloud over Westeros in these stories. The events of this rebellion are slated to have taken place a little over a decade ago, when the current King Daeron was challenged by his bastard brother Daemon Blackfyre for the Iron Throne. As an aside to the three tales, the rebellion itself makes for a much interesting side story, adding depth and realism to this fantasy universe. And as is true for every story, the stories of the Blackfyre rebellion throw up yet another remarkable cast of characters, a credit to the brilliance of George RR Martin. The questions regarding the nature of loyalty and treason are often brought up in reference to this event and lead to several interesting dialogues between the different characters.

The Tales of Dunk and Egg, #1-3

1) The Hedge Knight

A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms (The Tales of Dunk and E… (44)
Dunk and Egg travel to the town of Ashford in the Reach to participate in a tourney being hosted there. Dunk hopes to gain a few victories which will set him up well to become a proper knight. His chance encounter with the runaway prince Aegon, Egg, leads to the latter squiring for him without the prior's knowledge. Harmless as it may seem, Dunk doesn't know the turn events will soon take, changing not only his, but the fate of the great Targaryen dynasty.

2) The Sworn Sword

A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms (The Tales of Dunk and E… (45)
Following on from the Ashford tourney, Dunk and Egg enter into the service of a little known Lord Eustance Osgrey of Standfast and help him against the maneuvers of the Red Widow, lady of a rival house in times of a great drought across the Reach. As is usual though with Martin's stories, all may not be as simple as it seems.

3) The Mystery Knight

A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms (The Tales of Dunk and E… (46)
Dunk and Egg are on their way to Winterfell to take service with the Starks, who are fighting off with the Greyjoys. On their way north, they encounter a travelling party on its way to a wedding and tourney in the Riverlands. Eager to make some money before their hard journey north, our duo fall along with the party, completely unaware that the wedding/tourney is only a pretext for the Blackfyre sympathizers to meet and plan the second rebellion.

    fantasy favourites gorgeous-covers

Metodi Markov

1,529 reviews372 followers

August 23, 2023

В тази книга са събрани три разказа с главни герои Дънк и неговия скуайър Ег.

Първият разказ в сборника - "Странстващият рицар", е може би най-любимото ми фентъзи произведение, а аз съм прочел доста такива през годините. :) Отлично въведение е в света и интригите на Седемте кралства, които продължават години след това в поредицата "Песен за огън и лед", която все още стои незавършена.

Многократно съм препрочитал първия разказ, винаги с огромно удоволствие!

A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms (The Tales of Dunk and E… (48)

P.S Няма да издавам, в кои важни персонaжи за Вестерос на Таргариените ще се превърнат странстващите приключенци, за да има елемент на изненада за четящите ги за първи път.

    adventure anthology fantasy


808 reviews2,336 followers

May 20, 2019

I want more.

    2019 fantasy

Alex Nieves

181 reviews694 followers

March 26, 2022

I wasn't sure exactly what to expect from Dunk and Egg stories but they were a pleasant surprise. This covers the first 3 short stories following these two characters and they were a blast to follow. I believe what I read was that GRRM has plenty more of these tales planned, all the way up to where the Dunk and Egg stories will end and I sincerely hope we get those! Stories 1 and 3 of this we're fantastic, 2 was decent but the same GRRM character work is on display here.

There is obviously much less scheming and backstabbing as we've come to love from the main novels in ASOIAF but the world is very familiar and most of the same families are in the background fighting for power. There's plenty of mentions of the Lannisters, Starks and of course the Targaryens.

If you're a fan of ASOIAF and want some more stories set in the world you already love, look no further.

A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms (The Tales of Dunk and E… (2024)


How many stories are in a Knight of the Seven Kingdoms? ›

A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms compiles three novellas: The Hedge Knight (1998), The Sworn Sword (2003), and The Mystery Knight (2010).

Who is egg in A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms? ›

Set about a century before the Game of Thrones series begins, The Tales of Dunk and Egg novellas follow the adventures of “Dunk” (the lowly knight and future Lord Commander of the Kingsguard, Ser Duncan the Tall), and his squire, “Egg” (the future king Aegon V Targaryen).

Is a knight of the seven kingdoms 3 books? ›

A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms contains the first three Dunk and Egg novellas: The Hedge Knight. The Sworn Sword. The Mystery Knight.

When should I read A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms? ›

The two series are not directly connected, but they are set in the same world. The stories in A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms take for granted that you're at least slightly familiar with that world, so it would be better to read the ASOIAF books first, as they include all the world building.

Does egg become king? ›

Aemon refused to renounce his maester's vows to take the throne and since the other two candidates didn't seem great, Egg became King Aegon V. He made Ser Duncan the Tall the Lord Commander of his Kingsguard and the two became a legendary pair of heroes.

Why is it called Dunk and Egg? ›

The title is based on George R.R. Martin's popular trio of Dunk and Egg novellas, which chronicle the story of “Dunk” (the future Lord Commander of the Kingsguard, Ser Duncan the Tall) and “Egg” (the future king Aegon V Targaryen) as they wander Westeros having adventures roughly 100 years before the events of the ...

Who did Aegon V marry? ›

Yes, he did. Aegon V, also known as 'Egg', married Lady Betha from House Blackwood in 220 AC. At that time, marriage provoked no opposition because of Aegon being very low in line to succession. They married for love.

Is Egon the Mad King? ›

King Aerys II Targaryen, [c] commonly called the Mad King, was the sixteenth member of House Targaryen to rule from the Iron Throne.

Is there going to be a Dunk and Egg show? ›

On June 18, HBO confirmed in a press release that production has begun in Belfast, Ireland on the prequel series A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms. The show is based on The Hedge Knight, the first of three novellas in the Tales of Dunk and Egg series.

Which Aegon is in Dunk and Egg? ›

They follow the adventures of "Dunk" (the future Lord Commander of the Kingsguard, Ser Duncan the Tall) and "Egg" (the future King Aegon V Targaryen), some 90 years before the events of the novels.

How tall is Duncan the Tall? ›

As his nickname attests, Ser Duncan was very tall, standing nearly seven feet in height as an adult. This puts him around the same height as Greatjon Umber, though not quite as tall as Hodor (who is in fact several inches over seven feet tall), but taller than Brienne of Tarth (who stands about six foot three inches).

Is there a prequel to A Song of Ice and Fire? ›

Fire & Blood is a fantasy book by American writer George R. R. Martin and illustrated by Doug Wheatley. It tells the history of House Targaryen, the dynasty that ruled the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros in the backstory of his series A Song of Ice and Fire.

Is A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms a kids book? ›

There will be no explicit mentioning of sexual scene or downright unacceptable violence. This novel is about the chivalry of a true knight and the rare righteousness of a prince portrayed through clever plot and beautiful illustrations. So in my opinion, it is quite appropriate for a kid.

Does fire and blood come before a Knight of the Seven Kingdoms? ›

Bantam A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms

This is not the first book in the main series—it's a collection of three novellas set between Fire & Blood and A Game of Thrones. It's also the source of Martin and HBO's next TV adaptation, A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms: The Hedge Knight.

Is A Song of Ice and Fire finished? ›

The fifth and most recent entry in the series, A Dance with Dragons, was published in 2011. Martin continues to write the sixth novel, titled The Winds of Winter. A seventh novel, A Dream of Spring, is planned to follow.

What is the max level in seven knights? ›

A heroes initial level cap is 30 and can be Transcended 10 times, increases their maximum level to 50.

How many pages is A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms? ›

368 pages

How many stories are contained within Arabian Knights? ›

Stories From 1001 Nights. While various versions and many new editions have expanded the number of tales, the original Persian version of the 9th-century only had around 200 tales, which includes full stories, fairy tales, poems, anecdotes, parables, and fables.

How many words are in A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms? ›

The edition I have, from cover to cover, including the extra text like copyright and "About the Author" has 106,721 words, with 559,616 characters (excluding blanks). Removing the extraneous words before and after the three novellas, brings the word count down to 105,984 words (32,013 THK, 36,851 TSS, 37,120 TMS).

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